UX Design

"Cycles" App Concept

"Cycles" App Concept

A word from the artist

For my Visual Design final, I had to ideate and design a hypothetical app for IOS. I chose to prototype a menstrual health app, "Cycles", as a gender-neutral and inclusive alternative to mainstream period tracking apps.

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Project Description

This project is one that I'm extremely proud of. I went through the entire process of creating an app, ending with a polished, high-fidelity mockup. I first created a competitive analysis for other mensural health apps on the market, figuring out how I could make my own stand out. I think created moldboards and interviewed potential users to see what they would want in an application. From there, I began sketching out designs on paper and building them out in Figma. After developing a few key user flows, I began user testing for the initial high-fidelity mockups. From there, I iterated, tested, got feedback, and iterated again until I came to the design you see before you.

This project was created for an academic assignment. Each designer was challenged to create an app from the ideation phase all the way to a high-fidelity mockup. After brainstorming ideas, I decided to create a gender-inclusive, accessible menstrual health app, with both informational and social components.

I first created a competitive analysis for other menstrual health apps on the market, figuring out how I could make my own stand out. After gathering information on various health apps, I interviewed five potential users to get their opinions on what they found important in a period-tracking app.

Next, I used the information I had gathered to begin designing. I created a moodboard to develop the overall look and feel of my app. From there, I began sketching out designs on paper and post-it notes.

After I had some initial design sketches, I began to develop a few user flows that I wanted to make sure my app included, diagraming them out for my own understanding.

With user flows in mind and low-fidelity sketches, I began building designs out in Figma. After designing and prototyping the app, I began user testing. Once again, I interviewed five users and asked them questions about how the app made them feel, and what they found confusing or difficult to interact with. From there, I iterated, tested, got feedback, and iterated again until I developed the final design.

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